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"Pure As New York Snow- To Monica and All."

A review of Marmaris by Halston7 written on Friday 18th of March 2011


Yes, the elaborateness of their scheming is stunning. You find yourself going back over all of the moments shared together and marveling at their acting ability. You wonder (sadly) was any of it real?

How could someone fake these things? Was all of it geared toward getting money from me?

My Turkish loathario paid for many meals, taxis and places we went , bought engagement rings and had his family throw an engagement party. An Imam was invited, and I was asked to recite Arabic and no one translated. I asked what we were saying and was assured it was an engagement ceremony. Now, I believe it was a Muslim, unoffical marriage.

There are so many things to share, but two things are most important. The moment, and I mean the precise second that ring went on finger, I met a new person. The man that "courted" me was gone. That night, very late (have you ever met people who stay up so late???) I questioned him about some minor incident and he raised his hand as if to slap me. The next day, he ignored me all day long. He refused to speak and actually told me to be quiet when I was pathetically begging him to talk to me. He was so cold, unapproachable and cruel that I was shock. It was as if a switch has been activated. A very good example of the new person I met was he asked me to close the window. Considering that his mother has the heat on a sweltering level equal to the tropics and I felt faint, I said, no let's leave it open a bit.

He said to me, "If I tell you do something, do it. Do not question me when I tell you do something. This is a big problem when you do this."

Then, when he decided to "forgive" me for my transgression, I was informed that we could buy a home in Turkey, and it would only cost me $250K and his parents would live with us for the first year or so!His father, who looks strong enough to break a board over his leg, does not work because he is "tired." The mother also generates no income. He was deadly serious that they would live with us, and I told him that this would never happen. He told me "that it would happen."

He also demanded that I be back in Turkey in 4 weeks. When I told him this was impossible, due to work and having a mortgage, etc. he informed me that if I did not come back in four weeks, his parents would "make" him marry a Turkish girl. No pressure there.

After I flew home, and again told him that I could wrap up my life in 4 weeks, he proceeded to tell me that he hoped I burned alive in my home, that I was the devil and other horrible things that left me in a daze.

He let a few days go by and then starting emailing and calling me again. Was he hoping to get a return on the investment that he and his family had made? Or is he just amazingly naive, controlling and cruel? I don't know. I have wasted too many hours trying to sort it out.

I must impress upon everyone that this person was utterly kind, clever, sexy, thoughtful, sensitive, funny, well spoken and entirely convincing. We were equal matches in looks and age, although he was terribly arrogant and cocky, and surprise...he worked in the tourist industry. He is very good looking-but not as good looking as he believes he is. His utter confidence was amazing, considering he was as poor as a church mouse, due to all the family memebers he supported.

I don't know if it was cleverness, or part of his plot, but he initially refused to left me pay for anything, and I earnestly tried.But then,as time passed, he would let me pay and I noticed I never got any change back...even when giving him 100 lira to buy two museum tickets and some water.

And they do rave about Turkish culture and its superiority, Muslim honor and the like, but they lack any ethical compass when dealing with women.

And I am leaving out the parts where his mother would rub his back, rub his leg so near his privates that I could only just stare in shock and call him on his cell throughout the day CRYING because he was with me.

She would also repeatedly ask me to cover up (I was in baggy pants, shirt with long sleeves, socks) and she would stare at my breasts with a look of pure disgust.

All of this to say...if you meet a Turkish man, you have no idea into what treacherous waters you are diving. The cult like devotion to their family, the msygonistic view of women from their Muslim religion, the women waiting on the men like slaves....you have a very hard road ahead of you. This is not even factoring in the high probability that you are target for money and/or a visa.

If I can be fooled...anyone can. If you are reading this with a smug feeling that these women are all fools, you are wrong. I was traveling around the world when I went to Turkey, and had no intention of meeting anyone. You could say, this is not my first rodeo. You must experience them to understand. If you are in the slightest bit lonely, or have a weakness for very good looking men, you will lose in the battle to resist them. It is like the Green Bay Packers playing your local little league children's team...you don't have a chance.

I hope I can save someone else from this heartache. Luckily, I did not lose money, but I can tell you that discovering his true colors has made me physically and emotionally sick. As shameful, or sad or hopeless as it is, I really loved him. Hook, line and sinker...I would have done anything for him (except ruin my life.)

Anyone who posts that not all Turkish men are like this I have one, clear loud response:

I certainly hope not..

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Map showing Marmaris on Regent Street