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Reviews of HMV

On this page you will find reviews of HMV. If you would like to add your own review, please do so using the Add a Review button.


17 people have reviewed this business

  • Shoplifting at 14 ,silly aint it?! by Samantha

    Me and my mate when to woking and we went into superdrug and we walked out and well got grabbed by t... More»

  • To the shoplifter by Ali

    To the shoplifter; no you cannot be prosecuted for something for which you have been cautioned so no... More»

  • To the shoplifter by Anon

    You deserve everything you get (unless you get nothing). I hope they do prosecute you, and I hope th... More»

  • Caught shoplifting in HMV - HELP!! by Annon

    Hi, I was caught shoplifting in HMV with my Sister in May, we stole over £100's worth of st... More»

  • HMV employer profile by Nash

    I want to work for HMV and am wondering what is fundamental to put accross on my CV. What is the cru... More»

  • I work for HMV by Sam

    I'm sure that you felt very hurt by being refused for an 18 rated movie, but most people don't reali... More»

  • Thank you EMALY by JP QUINN

    Thank you EMALY for your help today and the chat about the film fight club iv watched it its a good ... More»

  • Thank you EMALY by JP QUINN


  • Sorry jp quinn. by James

    Me james put the letter about jp quinn becase i thing he needs to get a gil friend. jp quinn my ... More»

  • HMV rocks! by Ed Baker

    I think HMV's fantastic - love to spend time looking round store or on their website. Prices seem to... More»

  • Rip Off at HMV by Brian Robinson

    They say it pays to shop around! This is especially true as far as HMV are concerned with respect to... More»

  • Please help by joe

    Hi Im joe and Im doing a technolgy project and I need some research on companys and I was wonder... More»

  • Good service by anonymous

    I don't think so, my son had bought 2 cd's and found when he got home he had bought the wrong one. H... More»

  • Great Deals For Students by Mark Milford

    HMV, I agree with a companies advert for once. They really are Top Dog, especially if you are a stu... More»

  • Review of HMV by Ali

    They usually have a sale around October - November time and it's a good chance to pick up some real ... More»

  • Can't catch me HMV! by Anon

    I remember when HMV was opposite where Borders is now. My friend and I got caught shoplifting, and a... More»

  • HMV - Good service by Vigi

    I often buy CDs or videos from shops but normally go to specialist record shops, often in London. On... More»

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