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"Are you serious?"

A review of McDonalds by Tristan written on Saturday 8th of October 2005


I'm, sorry did you say that Macdonalds is a good fast food restaurant, because they are successful? There is no such thing as a good fast food restaurant. They are all bad because there is no such thing as good fast food. You seem to be unaware that the issues in the fast food debate go alot deeper that just wheather or not Maccy D's do a salad. Each fast food corporation aims to spread franchises all over the world. Supplying cheap products, undercutting all competition, targeting children, in every high street in every town, they have to compete with eachother to survive. There products are mass-produced on a huge industrial scale forcing small farmers in North and South America to sell their private holdings to huge farming conglomerates who provide the meat and potatoes to the fast food industry. You have probably heard this before - but pay attention. An area of rainforest the size of Britain is cut down each year. Much of this land is then used to graze cattle to provide beef for America's fast food industry. Is it worth it? - Enjoy your meal & have a nice day..

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Map showing McDonalds on Madingley Road