A review of Mr Shoes by Mr. shoes girl written on Monday 25th of December 2006
I work for mr shoes and before you ask im the employe not employer, and to be quite honest with you i agree that certain parts of the refund policy are silly, but i ask you to rememebr this:
The staff in the shop are not the ones that created this, we are mearly doing our job as our head office tell us to.
So when we tell you something you dont like shouting and getting nasty (not the case in all but sadly in a majority) with us is not the way.
If you disagree with the policy when you try to return something, dont have a go at the girls serving we are mearly passing the message on.
The abuse we get day in day out from customers who are unhappy with the refund policy is astounding and quite apauling.
So please give us a break we didnt make the rules we are just there to tell you them.
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