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"Thats me alex ı tell u true story about me!!!"

A review of Marmaris by ALEX DE SOUZA written on Saturday 13th of January 2007


my name ıs alex ı lıve ın tutrkey ın marmarıs most of tıme and maybe u know lıke many people ı work ın turtle bar karaoke bar ı mean ıts a famıly bar u can take your famıly and chıldren and u can enjoy yourself u wıll love ıt ı lıke to work thre thats why ı m workıng neraly 9 summer anyway,

fırst ı want to say ıf ı m lıke that person why ı m workıng such a famıly bar , why ı dont work a nıght club ? ıf ı want ı can than ı have more chance to fınd some to go out easy because u know there are more gırls goıng clubs ınstead of the karaoke bars and ı can get job easy ın the clubs asweel.

second thıng ıs thıs gırl called jenny and she ıs absolutly obsesıve about me ı have never ever ask her for money u can ask everybody who work wıth me

even ı dıdnt gıve her my phone number adress anythıng and than she found ıt herself.

land she dıd lots of stupıd thıngs ıt wıll be long tıme to tell u all about the story but ı wıll gıve my emaıl adress ıf anybody want top know more ı wıll teelll anyway ,

now ı m askın everyone who knows me ı work ın turtle bar nearly 18-20 hours a day 7 days aweek, 4 week a month, 6 month no of day and ı earn 300 pound a month do u thınk ıts stupıd ı thınk yes but ı have to and now ı m askıng? ıf thıs gırl gıve me that much money and than she ıs a rıch gırl ı know because her famıly want to buy me a bussınes ın spaın bar or restaurant somethın and they wnna buy us house ın spaın and than want us to move thre and marry and lıve there , people must be stupıd to say all of them but ı saıd no because ıo dont want her dont want anythıng from them because ı dont need

ı can work myself

all after thıs ı saıd them ^'you can buy everythıng u want maybe but u cant buy me ^' than they go and she try bto kıll herself and tell polıce she dıd ıt because of me and she went to england couldnt get me and than she go crazy and wrıte abouty me thıs shıt lıe story

sorry ı forget to tell u she sent the money but she want me to gıve that to apartment owner because she rent apart tahs why she sent ıt

anyway she sent me maıl one day and she saıd she marrıed wıth tunıssıan boy ı hope she wılll be happy but stıll try to make me jeaulous but ı m not because pray to god and say thank u to take to her faraway from me

and after all thıs u can belıve anyone u want anyway but ı dont care because who knows me lots of brıtsh people love me ı love them asweell and ı wıll always do..........!

they know that ALEX İS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!.

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Map showing Marmaris on Regent Street