A review of Starbucks by Snakmeister written on Sunday 18th of March 2007
To 'Starbucks Everywhere';
I dont think the customers of Starbucks even appreciate good coffee. They go there because they recognise the brand logo. They also like the strange concoctions they sell. But the coffee they sell is absolute rubbish, made from syrup! You cannot argue that the amount of Starbucks outlets proves thay have a great, quality product.
Otherwise how do account for McDonalds, popular? 'yes', lots of stores? 'yes' Quality? I wont even answer that. So you must consider the best Pizzas therefore are available at 'Pizza Hut', the best sandwiches? 'Subway' of course (yeah right??) You seem to have a strange logic based on mass consumerism atomatically meaning 'quality'. Don't confuse the two.
By all means continue having your coffee at 'Starbucks' if you think it's great. While those who actually appreciate coffee go elsewhere.
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Map showing Starbucks on Fitzroy Street