A review of Starbucks by Sarah Loyd written on Sunday 16th of March 2008
All of Starbucks coffee is extremely high quality and all staff have to go on soo many courses etc. to learn about it. Having worked for the company for around 6 months as a 'saturday girl', even I have developed a passion for the company as well as the coffee and products.
And contrary to popular consumer belief, Starbucks actually pay more for their regular coffees than they do for their fairtrade estima blend, the only reason we dont have fairtrade for all of our regular coffees is that it is hard for farmers to get fairtrade certification due to restrictions and the scale of starbucks means we need a lot of coffee.
Quite fancy an Espresso Frappucino light about now... anyone joinging me ?
=P .
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Map showing Starbucks on Fitzroy Street