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"Which Pizza Hut have you guys been eating at?"

A review of Pizza Hut by Support manager written on Wednesday 12th of November 2008


I have worked for Pizza Hut for just under a year, Having recentley started to train as a support manager (The Staff responsible for running most shifts) I am ashammed to read some of the reveiws. The resteraunt I work in one of Yorks pizza hut resteraunts and myself and the staff pride themselves on delivering good service.

Admitedley their are ocaisionally problems, and any resteraunt with the number of customers we have in a day are bound to have the same issues. Every time a problem is raised I try to resolve it quickly and efficientley. it may sound self centred but if customers dont leave my resteraunt with a smile on their face I dont get as much money and my staff wont get as many tips (The wage at pizza hut for an entry level job at about 5.75 isnt bad but the tips can be upto £7 pound an hour for a good waiter creating a very well paid job if you work for it).

In future if you have a problem with the service or food in a pizza hut resteraunt raise it with your server and or one of the duty management members any member of staff worth their salt will most certainly aim to rectify any problems as soon as they can.

At the end of the day it is in our best interest to deliver the best service we can and most of us aim to do so. I hope in future you get better service in pizza hut to the standards which we all strive to acheive.



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Pizza Hut

Map showing Pizza Hut on Regent Street