A review of Pizza Hut by Beckie written on Thursday 18th of June 2009
I work for pizza hut in nottingham at the corner house and i have to say its my favorite job i have ever had.
the managers are great they are constantly helping us out giving us tips and feed back and making us feel like we really make a difference. and in return we all work really hard and try our best to give the customer a really good experience, yes we make mistakes but at the end of the day the customer leaves with a smile on the faces because of the way we deal with it!
we have this thing called champs which customers wont no about but it is all about customer service smiling talking the the kids offering boloons and making the customer happy!
so all i would say is that the pizza huts that you guys have been to are not representing us as a whole write to the manager and express how your feeling and they will deal with the problem!
because one bad experience lets the whole brand down! :(.
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Map showing Pizza Hut on Regent Street