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"Why lm on to many web site?"

A review of Marmaris by GOOD MAN RAMAZAN written on Monday 9th of August 2010


Good quastion.l think lm famous in england and lm casanova.l think l have done nothing wrong bacause they want to marry me they want to sleep with me so l just tell them no.thats why they go crazy.its not me askingfor money they asking me they want to give me .what can l do lm asking the british women how many times l did told u l have a girlfriend and lm happy with her.what did they said do u know they said never mind she is not here we r only for holiday how do she will know u have been with us.is that true or not?if there is any real women can write the true l will be happy.l dont think any british women can write the truth because they all scared.do u know u have bad name in marmaris.lm telling the british men can u come here and see what the british women doing here.(ur wife ur,ur daughter,ur girlfriends,)how many times l have heard the couples they together and come marmaris they r wife or girlfriend telll the barmen waiters ,l will make him sleep and l will come downstairs is that true.there is LOUISE she know and see by eyes and hear everything by ears.do u know what lm working now and no one will stop me.l dont know why they write all this stupid things on this website.do l care not really.l never care about it.another story when they leave the marmaris what they talk in airport do u know.who with they was everynight with differend.and others listen and they come to same hotel and go with waiters or barmen or anyone this is true.and also l can prove everything lm not like louise sorry.lm asking 50 y old women why r u going with 23 y old boys.why u sent them money why u give them everything.why r u talking about ur husband is cant do it.yes lm still in marmaris if anyone want to come and meet we can meet np for me and lm going to get married soon l really dont care no more who will talk about me and write bad things about meçl dont say l didnt take yes l did take but l didnt never steal nothing from them they can tell all they did give it to me.and please stop blame me everything .everybody just talk but really they dont know nothing.pls leave me alone now stop writing things about me because l dont care no more.goodbye everybody.

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Map showing Marmaris on Regent Street