A review of The World Famous Comfort Cafe by Upset customer written on Sunday 12th of August 2012
Today I went to the famous comfort cafe, never heard of it until today, and found myself to be seriously disappointed.
Went with a group of 16 bikers and was fourth in line ordering breakfast. Everything seemed to go well until I ended up having to wait until 25 minutes after the last person of my group had their breakfast delivered and had finished it. During my wait I did enquire to one of the staff delivering meals and he just shrugged his shoulders and did not carry out any checks to see where my meal was. I went back to the counter to enquire and get refund and there was still no enquiry as to why I had waited, they just handed me my cash back. 15 minutes after getting my cash back they came out calling my ticket number, but as my biker friends were ready to leave there was no point accepting the meal.
Overall, if you order anything else outside the typical english breakfast then be prepared to wait for a long time..
Now showing reviews 1-5 of 16
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Map showing The World Famous Comfort Cafe on Four Went Ways