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"How to lose a guaranteed sale"

A review of Zenith Staybrite by R Bentley written on Saturday 31st of January 2004


After a 3hr meeting with a Zenith sales person they succeeded in losing a guaranteed sale with a ridiculous use of pressure tactics.

We had been Zenith customers in our previous house and were very pleased with the windows. A follow up call from Zenith prompted the arrangement of another meeting as the windows in our new house are draughty.

I had asked to move the meeting as other plans had been arranged for the evening of the meeting. However I was rung up and talked into having it earlier in the evening since, being previous customers, there would be no need for the video/samples etc and the meeting would be much shorter than the previous sale (3hrs).

I had made it clear on the phone and to the salesman when he turned up (5.15) that I was going out and we only needed a measurement and a quote as we were saving for a holiday and would not be looking at buying for at least 2 months.

The salesman obviously didnt have any interest in our plans and late in the evening started giving ultimatums (buy now or lose the price) even after my previous statements that we were after a price not a sale.

The ridiculous thing is that the salesman came up with an acceptable price for all the windows after 3 hours. By this time:

1. We had had to sit and eat our dinner off our laps as the salesman was using the dining table to rest on and work out the prices.

2. My girlfriend was very distressed and had gone upstairs and refused to come down until the salesman was gone since he was completely ignoring that we just wanted a price, that we were willing to see him again the following week, reminders we were going out, all other big hints that he should go.

3. My arranged evening out at 7.30 involved my lift turning up at my house at 8.00 and still having to wait for 15 mins whilst I made it very clear to the salesman any deal had been lost and he should leave.

So -

I wanted the product

I liked the price and would probably have taken it that evening.

What was the problem, Zenith? You didnt listen to the customer, that's what.

An irony is that the salesman used possible new European legislation to stop this in-house selling as a pressure to emphasise that the "Showroom price" he could offer wouldnt be around for ever - the money used to pass on as a customer saving would have to go on TV advertising.

I applaud such legislation as I fear for the vunerable old people and others preyed on by such selling tactics.

As a follow up, Henry, a branch manager (Stevenage?) rang up the following day and a Zenith customer service rep 2 days later. Both were aware or made aware of the situation and neither mentioned "Sorry" so I can only assume the salesmans actions were not unusual to them..

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Zenith Staybrite

Map showing Zenith Staybrite on Milton Road