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"Zenith renege on their promise"

A review of Zenith Staybrite by bish ashleigh written on Sunday 15th of February 2004


Two years ago, zenith fillted 24 windows to my detached house. I withheld £1000 from the final bill because the fitters trampled down my plants and many things needed correction. After three returns to attempt to put things right, I was finally advised by the manager that there would be nothing further to pay because my plant replacement costs, together with aggravation caused, would add up to nearly the outstanding amount. He said he would follow this up with a letter. That never arrived. The manager left shortly afterwards and there 'is no trace' of the agreement. Now, two years later, I am being pressurised for the outstanding balance and will probably have to fight in court over it. I am not happy..

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Zenith Staybrite

Map showing Zenith Staybrite on Milton Road