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"McDonalds not in touch with Service"

A review of McDonalds by d.mosher written on Thursday 3rd of April 2003


Mcdonalds corporation is loosing touch with who they are and who they stand for such as you goto a mcdonalds and ask for a free drink refill and they dont do it and i went to germany last weekend and they told me its there policy to give free drink refills and that mcdonalds corp(main oak brook) has it in there main guidelines and the uk refuses to follow that trend and so consumers in the uk are getting ripped and we got the new ham and cheese sandwiches and there was hair in 6 of them and also the ice cream has lumps of sugar in them what is happeing to mcdonalds and why are they such garbage and why do they pay people such low wages but in the states people get $6.50 to $10.00 hr as regular hire positions? we need to file a big class action suit against mcdonalds and sue like crazy.



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Map showing McDonalds on Madingley Road