Comberton Road is a road in South West Cambridge and is mainly residential.
Comberton Road also has the following useful amenity: a post office.
Post Office offers a range of mail services as well as stationery, confectionery and other useful household items.
Address: 2 Comberton Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB23 7BA
Find out what people are saying about places on Comberton Road.
The only shop I've ever been in where I can actually choose a pair of shoes, rather than taking anything that will fit my narrow feet and ankles! I bought two pairs of shoes... More »
I bit your son (Ben) when I was 3 years old!!!! Used to live at 58 School Lane between 1983 and caricatured me and Mum at the Toft Nursery Summer Fair!!!... More »
Map showing Comberton Road in Cambridge.