A review of Millers Music Centre & Ken Stevens by harry written on Sunday 22nd of June 2003
Me and my dad were visiting ken stevens and i was quite interested in buying a cymball pack from there.I went to the man who was apparently the drum expert and asked him a couple of questions about the pack and if i could part exchange my cymballs, when ever the man gave an answer he completely ignored me and and just gave my dad the answers, after a while i just got fed up and me and my dad left the shop.
Unfortunatly this has happend more than just once and it is usually worse when im on my own or with my freinds, i dont think the people who work there can exept that me and my freinds DO no what were talking about and the fact that were no adults means they can practically ignore us and act as if we dont no what were talkin about.
My advice to ken stevens is to improve your customer service, and not to act as if us kids dont know what were talking about..
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Map showing Millers Music Centre & Ken Stevens on Sussex Street