A review of HMV by Annon written on Saturday 2nd of August 2008
I was caught shoplifting in HMV with my Sister in May, we stole over £100's worth of stuff, I re-live that moment everyday, it is the biggest regret of my life, we both got arrested and cautioned and we're both banned from the store for life. I haven't heard anything from HMV but I'm worried in case they later try and prosecute me, wat r the chances??
I was thinking of writing a letter of apology as I was at a very low point in my life and started doing a lot of things I shouldnt, now I have sorted myself out and that day is starting to haunt me and it's depressing me.
I am also wanting to become an auxiliary nurse soon and I am wondering if this will effect my chances.
Can anyone help??
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Map showing HMV on Fitzroy Street