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"Stop complaining!!"

A review of Currys by Karen written on Wednesday 3rd of October 2007


Why do people assume that when they are shopping it is the stores responsibilty to hold there hand and wipe their bums?

Currys is a good store that has to put up with alot of crap day in day out. When something goes wrong who's to blame the store....did we make it? NO. Did we take it home and mistreat it? NO. Did we loose our reciept? NO

People in Currys are trained to deal with certain issues but on occasion things go wrong- HUMAN ERROR!!! it happens. So do me and a lot of people a favour, cut them some slack because like everyone else these are people who have families, kids, homes, cars just like you and me and they dont deserve the ill treatment..

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Map showing Currys on Cambridge Retail Park