A review of Al-Amin by Jane Seymour written on Thursday 4th of March 2004
Asian Trader Magazine named Al-Amin as the Neighbourhood Retailer of the year 2003, this Nationwide award was sponsered by Bookers Cash and Carry.
Well Done AlAmin, Well deserved, I cannot think of anyone more deserving, AlAmin is the centre of this Neighbourhood in all senses of the word.
It is a pleasure to shop there,the fruit and veg are always fresh. You can get almost anything there, Their products are of very good quality and reasonably priced.
All staff are very helpful and friendly.Their Mission Statement is amazing, And their ethical stance is reassuring.They will bring into stock any item i require.
Thank you AlAmin, you really do make the difference..
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Map showing Al-Amin on Mill Road